Monday, August 31, 2015

I got no hair, Cher.

The timing couldn't have been any better. We're hitting a late summer heat wave, and I took the plunge to cut off all my hair before it departs on its own.  Here's what it looks like up top:

It's not the best photo because there's a shadow over my forehead that looks like a port wine stain, but there you go. Oddly, you can still see my part, maybe because that seemed to be somewhat of a stress area for hair loss when I was still styling my hair. It was starting to look wider than usual, which helped prompt me to start wearing scarves.

And it really was the perfect time to make the move, if not a little late. Over the weekend I was wearing a colorful do-rag night and day just to avoid having to remove the shed hair that was being held in by the still-rooted strands around it. Finally, I went into the backyard and combed out a small tumbleweed, which is still sitting on my SO's back lawn.

My infusion nurse today suggested that I leave some hair long in the back and in the sideburn area so that something's still hanging beyond the scarves and hats, but hey, if I'm gonna do it, I'm gonna do it. I actually thought it would be hypocritical to leave the fringe when I think that balding guys should just cut their hair short. And besides, the cut reminds me of a kick-ass Marine I know, who keeps her hair intimidatingly short.

I can't say enough about my hairdresser and friend Mare, who offered to come to my house and do the honors. She reminded me that this is just the first step, and that as my hair grows back, we can have a lot of fun with shorter cuts. I've never been a big fan of short hair for myself, but who knows? We had some laughs thinking about the possibilities.

Oh, and I'm saving the big bag of hair. Still haven't figured out what to do with it but I'll undoubtedly come up with something.

BTW, the second treatment went just fine - no negative reactions at all, which is the experience I had last time. Now I'm playing beat the clock, eating flavorful stuff before my taste buds go to crap for two weeks. Prepare for whining ahead as I'm relegated to eating eggs, toast, and unadorned chicken. (God, it was SOOOOO good to eat parmed things over the weekend!)

1 comment:

  1. Glad things are going OK. As for that bag of hair: cat toys?
